Sunday 14 February 2016

Microsoft Azure IoT Hub Reaches General Availability

Microsoft has recently announced its offer Azure Iot Axis reached general availability (GA). This is a statement tracking public preview from Microsoft in October last year. InfoQ previously covered the public announcement preview under the cover of Azure event.

Azure IO Hub is one of the basic services that make the IO Suite Azure. IO Hub Azure service provides two-way communication between devices and the cloud.

The devices are connected via a gateway local field when Internet connectivity is not available on the device or when a device communicates only unsupported such as ZigBee or Modbus protocols. The gateway on the ground, in turn, will contact the IO Hub Cloud Gateway.

On the other hand, if a device supports HTTP (S) 1.1, 3.1.1 or 1.0 MQTT AMQP can communicate natively with the IO Hub Cloud Gateway. SDK for the device are available for C / C #, Java and JavaScript / Node.js

As part of the General Assembly of the service, Microsoft increased the number of areas where the service is available by adding Southeast Asia, Western Europe and the western United States. Previously, preview, only East Asia, the eastern United States and northern Europe were available.

From the point of view of safety, Azure Hub supports IO device identity and can support customer scenarios involving millions of devices. Since the device is compatible with the identity, administrators can list blacklists and white devices.

Since communication is bidirectional between the device and the cloud, command and control messages can be sent from the cloud that allows operators to change the status of a remote device.

Once a device is connected to the IO Hub Azure messaging and other services that are part of the IO Suite Azure can be used in the treatment of these events.

This enables organizations to perform complex event processing and provide a predictive analysis. The other services that make up the suite of backend Azure IO include: 1 event Azure concentrators (upscale, publish-subscribe engine ingestion) 2 Azure Analytics (analysis and real-time engine flows of complex event processing) 3 Machine Learning Azure (predictive analysis) 4 Azure storage (cloud storage)

The following figure shows an example of how the devices can communicate with the following IO Azure through a gateway on the ground or in a local gateway services and cloud position when these back-end architecture.

Because of the variety and vintage devices involved in the modern architecture of the IO, which allows interoperability between devices and the cloud has been a priority for Microsoft.

Following the need to provide an open solution for IO, Microsoft has developed a certification program and partner in order to encourage adoption. Sam George, managing partner of the IO Azure, some of its recent success in incorporating couple are analyzed. "In the last three months or more, close to 30 industry leaders have joined the program

Today, even announced their participation, including Advantech, Dell, HPE, and Libelium. Each of these partners brings its own proposal in perspective and unique value for the landscape of the IO, and we are delighted to announce this extended industry participation in Azure Certificate IO. "in addition to the partners mentioned above, Microsoft already has agreements with Arduino, BeagleBoard, Freescale, Intel, Raspberry Pi, Samsung and Texas Instruments, among others.

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