Sunday 10 January 2016

Microsoft Is Getting Users Excited About Windows Again -- Just Not on Phones Yet

Windows 10 is already running on 200 million devices, but Microsoft still has a long way to go before we see significant growth in Windows Phone.

He has been a long time coming, but (NASDAQ: MSFT) Microsoft Windows platform seems to win back the favor of consumers and the business market. In a recent blog, Microsoft said that Windows 10 adoption rates ahead of Windows 7 and Windows 8140% to almost 400%. In total, the company said in Windows 10 now runs on 200 million devices.

That is good news for the company given that the latest iteration of Windows were spectacular. There is a caveat to all windows growth: Windows 10 is available free upgrade to Windows 7 and Windows 8 users - something earlier versions of Windows do not offer - which is probably part of the success of current software.

But there is another good news for Microsoft, which coincides with the additional use of Windows 10, and that is the fact that more and more users enter the Windows Store.

The company noted that in December, 60% of paying customers were new to the App Store, and that in the same month of Windows 10 machines spent 4.5 times more on the Windows Store in Windows 8 devices. Increased use store the application and income is what is truly remarkable in the blog notes that Microsoft because ultimately, Microsoft can start building some momentum for their phones Windows 10.

Problem is no secret moving window

There is nothing surprising about the problems Microsoft phone. The company has so far back (NASDAQ: AAPL) Android and Apple iOS that barely registers in the instrument market share (Index: Windows is one of the very lower lines)

All Windows phones have made little progress in recent years have recently lost (which led me to name the worst features of Microsoft products in 2015), mainly due to the shameful lack of applications available for the platform platform. But Microsoft is, if only slightly, demonstrating that Windows phones can have a future with its latest store usage statistics Windows.

The company said it has universal applications such as Twitter, Pandora, Netflix available on computers, tablets and phones. And the idea of ​​universal Windows 10 applications is that Microsoft is betting the future of its smartphones. If developers make applications for the platform increasingly Windows 10, and then these applications will also be available on Windows phones, which are expected to boost Windows 10 mobile adoption rates. As Microsoft has said in his blog, "These developers see the hundreds of millions of customers have the opportunity -. And there are only beginning"

In fact, Microsoft has only just begun. I think that Windows 10 has the ability to alleviate the problems of your Microsoft and possibly allow it to compete with Android and iOS. Once Windows 10 becomes more pervasive and integrated developers see their applications for PCs and tablets work well on Windows phones so he could help stimulate the creation of a universal application, which in turn could stimulate interest in the Windows phones.

But Microsoft is still far from that point. The company has a market share of less than 3% in the smartphone space, and Windows 10 will not change things quickly. Users have all but pledged allegiance to either Android or iOS, and still take more than a little success for Windows 10 to pull the phone division of society from the mire. For investors of Microsoft, it is expected to last from Windows 10 adoption rates and use of the store application to be a promising show, but the path to growth of Windows Phone will be a long journey, and its success is still far from certain.

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