Sunday 17 January 2016

Microsoft Cuts Azure Cloud Pricing

To compete with AWS.

Customers of the cloud platform of Microsoft Azure will be substantial price cuts from next month, in a film directed directly to Microsoft rivals Amazon Web Services.

Although Microsoft has not released the full list of price cuts, director Nicole Herskowitz Azure product marking for the company said that the cost of Linux instances will be reduced from 14 to 17 percent.
Windows virtual machines, including the operating system license, also be reduced by 10-13 percent. Herskowitz said Microsoft was lower prices to stay competitive with Amazon Web Services.
AWS has also refined its pricing model this month, adding another type of reserved instance.

Called scheduled instance, the new type of virtual machine allows users to book Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) or capacity over a period of three years and use it at any time.

The use of these limited to pre-defined blocks of recurring time for a period of one year cases would see prices fall by five to ten percent below the equivalent rates EC2 On-Demand, Amazon said.
Scheduled instances will be available in the regions of eastern and western United States and Europe, and to support four different types of virtual machines.

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