Sunday 30 September 2018

IBM and Microsoft Are Upgrading Walmart's Digital Supply Chain

Many investors pay close attention to Walmart's (NYSE:WMT) consumer-facing digital efforts, which include its expanding e-commerce marketplace and new delivery options. However, Walmart's supply chain is also undergoing a dramatic transformation through its new partnerships with Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) and IBM (NYSE:IBM).
How is Microsoft helping Walmart?

Earlier this year, Microsoft and Walmart signed a five-year partnership to make Azure Walmart's preferred cloud infrastructure service. That was a major victory for Azure, which trails behind Amazon's (NASDAQ:AMZN) Amazon Web Services (AWS) as the world's second-largest cloud platform.

Walmart is converting its websites and apps to run natively on Azure and using Microsoft's tools to improve its machine learning and data management capabilities. Walmart is also using Azure's tools to manage its supply chain, monitor energy consumption levels, and control Internet of Things (IoT) devices across its stores and warehouses. Microsoft is reportedly helping Walmart develop cashierless stores to counter Amazon Go as well.
How is IBM helping Walmart?

IBM is the market leader in enterprise blockchain solutions. Blockchain is a decentralized peer-to-peer ledger that is often associated with bitcoin, but the technology can also be used to trace the origins of a product faster than traditional databases.

During a shareholder meeting last year, Walmart food safety VP Frank Yiannas demonstrated that IBM's blockchain-powered Food Trust Solution could track the condition and origin of a food product within 2.2 seconds -- a process that would have taken nearly a week with traditional methods. Walmart co-developed the platform with IBM.

That's why it wasn't surprising when Walmart told all its suppliers of leafy green vegetables that they needed to upload their data to IBM's Food Trust Solution platform by September 2019. IBM will offer an onboarding system for Walmart's suppliers.

How a modernized supply chain helps Walmart

The modernization of Walmart's supply chain with cloud, IoT, and blockchain services could improve the retailer's operating margin, which has been weighed down by e-commerce and overseas investments, store renovations, and wage hikes in recent years.

That digital foundation can also pave the way for Walmart to install more robots in its warehouses and stores, thereby reducing its overall labor costs. A streamlined supply chain would also help Walmart avoid food safety problems, which are becoming increasingly common across supply chains and multiple countries and states.

Supply chain modernization could even help Walmart mitigate the damage from the Trump administration's tariffs on Chinese products. Walmart recently said that two-thirds of its products are sourced, grown, or assembled in the U.S., but many of its American suppliers' components still come from China.

Bringing all of its suppliers (not just vegetable producers) on to IBM's blockchain platform could help Walmart find ways to counter the tariffs. Applying Microsoft's analytics and AI tools to that data could help Walmart quickly weed out its most problematic suppliers.
How these deals benefit Microsoft and IBM

Microsoft and IBM are both aging tech giants that are pivoting away from their legacy businesses toward higher-growth cloud services

Most of Microsoft's commercial cloud revenue comes from three main services: Office 365, Azure, and Dynamics CRM. Its commercial cloud revenue rose 53% year over year to $6.9 billion last quarter and accounted for 23% of the company's top line. That growth offsets Microsoft's slower growth in Windows licenses for OEMs and consumers.

Last quarter, IBM reported that its total cloud revenue over the past 12 months rose 23% annually to $18.5 billion. During the same period, revenue from IBM's higher-growth "strategic imperatives" (cloud, mobile, analytics, social, and security) grew 15% to $39 billion, or 48% of its total revenue. That growth offsets the weaker performance of IBM's legacy IT services, business software, and hardware businesses.

Amazon is a common enemy for Microsoft, IBM, and Walmart. Amazon's AWS competes against Microsoft's Azure and IBM Cloud, and its online marketplace threatens Walmart's growth. That's why it makes perfect sense for these three companies to tighten their bonds.

Sunday 23 September 2018

Scam alert: Fake Microsoft rep hijacks woman's computer, charges $3K to 'fix' it

A 66-year-old West Chester Township, Ohio, lady is out about $3,300 after somebody professing to be a Microsoft delegate purportedly assumed control over her PC, made an issue and charged her fix it.

Township representative Barb Wilson clarified how the trick functioned.

"It shows up as though the casualty purchased something off the web which was not an authentic Microsoft item," Wilson said. "From this exchange, the individual picked up her contact data and access to her PC. The 'rep' said the PC issue could be settled with installment made with Google gift vouchers, which she gave."

Sunday 16 September 2018

Sky blue DevOps - Why It's A Big Deal For Microsoft And The Community

Microsoft has as of late reported the rebranding of Visual Studio Team Service (VSTS) to Azure DevOps. VSTS, an augmentation of Visual Studio - the lead incorporated improvement condition from Microsoft - empowered draftsmen, engineers, and analyzers to cooperatively configuration, create and test programming

Despite the fact that it might appear amazingly, one more rebranding exercise, Azure DevOps is significantly more than that. It is a key move from Microsoft with a mean to build up itself as a portion pioneer in the DevOps advertise.

VSTS is 10 years old item that was fundamentally made to draw in big business advancement groups building complex Windows applications. It had every one of the fixings from source code control to computerized testing to convey a coordinated affair of use lifecycle administration (ALM).

DevOps as a term was not authored when the item groups at Microsoft imagined the possibility of VSTS. Programming advancement and conveyance have fundamentally changed in the most recent decade. The advancement of foundation as code, unchanging framework, nonstop mix, ceaseless organization, consistent testing and constant observing have changed the substance of ALM. The product discharge rhythm has moved from once in a half year to several arrangements in 60 minutes. The product is transported at a quick pace than at any other time. Clients needed devices to perform quicker organizations that incorporate manual and computerized testing which in the end brought about DevOps.

Sky blue DevOps empowers Microsoft to line up with the changing elements of the business. Here are five reasons why Azure DevOps is a major ordeal for both Microsoft and the biological community -

1. Get the best out of Github procurement

Source code control administration (SCM) is the establishment of DevOps. With Github in its kitty, Microsoft needs to boost its venture by coming to an obvious conclusion crosswise over Github and Azure. Group Foundation Services, the first SCM accessible in VSTS, is gradually offering approach to Github. Microsoft is doing everything to guarantee that engineers, administrators and analyzers get the most ideal involvement in taking the source code of Github vaults the distance to the arrangement target – Azure process administrations conveyed through virtual machines and holders.

Microsoft needs Azure DevOps to convey best CI/CD encounter for Github ventures.

2. Going past Windows and Visual Studio

Visual Studio has been one of the money dairy animals for Microsoft. For two decades, it delighted in indistinguishable show from Windows and Office establishments. Microsoft has been effective in taking Office past Windows to Mac and the web. It deliberately moved far from situating Azure as the stage for .NET and Windows applications. By dropping the Windows moniker from Azure, it created an impression that its open cloud can run any OS and any stage.

Be that as it may, Visual Studio is still transcendently connected with Windows application improvement. No PHP designer and a Golang engineer would need to utilize Visual Studio and VSTS for dealing with their activities.

Through the rebranding of VSTS to a more bland brand, Microsoft is endeavoring to create an impression that its toolchain isn't simply implied for .NET engineers. The open source variation of Visual Studio marked as VS Code is as of now a gigantic hit among open source designers.

Sky blue DevOps may pull in new age designers that ordinarily don't connect Visual Studio with current application improvement.

3. Contend better with AWS

Amid the most recent three years, Amazon has assembled a parallel universe of improvement devices. AWS OpsWorks, AWS Cloud9 IDE, AWS CodeStar, AWS CodeCommit, AWS CodeBuild and AWS CodePipeline convey end-to-end DevOps encounter on AWS.

Microsoft did not have a coordinated DevOps story for Azure. The masterstroke of gaining Github has put the organization in the bleeding edge of DevOps. By tweaking and adjusting existing VSTS resources, Microsoft at long last has a convincing offering as Azure DevOps.

It likewise got the ammo to contend with a portion of the main organizations in the DevOps fragment, for example, HashiCorp, CloudBees, Atlassian and Xebia Labs.

4. Make Azure the favored cloud for open source ventures

Microsoft has turned every one of the handles to make Azure the best stage for open source advancement. With Azure DevOps, it's taking it to the following level.

Designers get cloud-facilitated pipelines for Linux, macOS, and Windows with boundless minutes and 10 free parallel occupations for their open source ventures. This is without a doubt a major ordeal for executing CI/CD ventures. Despite the fact that the pipelines bolster other cloud stages including AWS and GCP, they have better joining with Azure.

With Xamarin, Github, VS Code and Azure, Microsoft has a portion of the best toolchains to create and convey open source ventures.

5. Drive utilization of Azure Compute

Figure and capacity are the new cash of the stage sellers. All streets in the general population cloud prompt register. Each open cloud seller adjusts the administrations and contributions to drive extra utilization of register, and Microsoft isn't a special case.

Microsoft has four diverse register administrations – virtual machines (IaaS), stage (PaaS), compartments (CaaS) and capacities (FaaS). Sky blue DevOps lands application sending antiques in one of these process benefits straightforwardly expanding the utilization. Engineers and administrators utilizing Azure DevOps will by implication use Azure Storage and Compute benefit. Administrations, for example, Azure VMs, Azure App Service, Azure Container Registry, Azure Kubernetes Service and Azure Service Fabric will encounter expanded utilization and utilization which will specifically affect the income.

Monday 10 September 2018

Undead Labs joining Microsoft, however remains concentrated on zombies

At Undead Labs, a group of 65 is taking a shot at little fixes for the computer game they discharged this spring. Several crumbled structures in the dystopian zombie survival amusement "Territory of Decay 2" were blocked off, and a sound issue required some tweaking.

It's practically what the group anticipated that would deal with this fall, and very little has changed notwithstanding major corporate news declared this June at the E3 computer game tradition: Microsoft would purchase the free Seattle computer game studio it had joined forces with for a long time. The arrangement, for an undisclosed sum, is required to close this month.

Undead will remain "totally" self-governing, Matt Booty, head of Microsoft Studios, said a week ago from Undead's Pioneer Square workplaces. Purchasing Undead halfway means slicing through formality, he said. Instead of negotiating another agreement or change an arrangement each time the organizations accomplice on a venture, they'll have the capacity to simply talk through points of interest and push ahead.

It will likewise imply that Undead can be a piece of new highlights being created for Xbox's computerized innovations – membership benefit Game Pass and live-gushing administration Mixer – two organizations Xbox is working to enable it to progress in an aggressive market.

Xbox declared plans to purchase four amusement studios, Undead notwithstanding, and make one its very own greater amount amid E3 in June. The enormous development of Microsoft Studios is intended to convey more unique and selective diversions to the Xbox – a region where Microsoft has gained ground, however where contender Sony exceeds expectations with its various craftsmanship house amusements.

Microsoft has filled in as Undead's amusement distributer since the diversion studio was shaped in 2010.

"Next to no will change as far as the everyday," Undead CEO Jeff Strain said a week ago. "I think Microsoft sees, carefully, that imaginative undertaking is to a great extent an element of culture and energy."

The Microsoft arrangement will give Undead more assets to keep constructing an establishment, Strain stated, taking note of the little studio has just figured out how to draw a large number of steadfast supporters in the swarmed zombie-diversion field.

He declined to state if a third "Territory of Decay" is likely to work out, however it appears a probability. The second form of the amusement has pulled in 3 million players since it was discharged in May.

Strain, a veteran of diversion studios Blizzard Entertainment and ArenaNet, said he expects Undead's 65-man staff will develop after some time and stay in its Pioneer Square workplaces.

Microsoft's technique to extend its accumulation of studios truly took off the previous fall when Xbox boss Phil Spencer was elevated to the Redmond organization's senior initiative group, Booty said. Prior that year, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella had openly advocated the organization's gaming business, in spite of inquiries from some money related examiners about the estimation of the unit.

"It truly creates an impression that gaming is critical and that we had greater desire in gaming," Booty said of Spencer's new part on the senior authority group. "It wasn't simply 'Hello, you've made it, now you have a seat at the table.' It was, 'Hello, you have a seat at the table, however like the greater columns at Microsoft, we anticipate that things will develop.'"

Sunday 2 September 2018

Microsoft is redesigning Skype once again and killing its Snapchat-like feature

I've lost depend on the occasions Microsoft has overhauled Skype, however it's going on once more. The product creator has been tweaking Skype for a considerable length of time, and a year ago it presented an extreme outline that incorporated a Snapchat-like Highlights include. Microsoft is presently expelling the Highlights include, and streamlining Skype by and by. "Calling ended up harder to execute and Highlights didn't resound with a larger part of clients," clarifies Skype chief of plan Peter Skillman. "We expected to make a stride back and improve!"

Microsoft's new way to deal with the Skype configuration incorporates refocusing on why individuals still utilize the administration: calling, video calls, and informing. Skype portable applications will be updated to evacuate highlights that no one uses and that just mess the UI. On work area, Microsoft is moving talks, calls, contacts, and notices to the upper left of the window to give a focal place to route.

"We took a gander at how individuals utilize Skype applications, performing broad testing crosswise over worldwide markets and building models to test new ideas," says Skillman. "We are tuning in to your input and are completely dedicated to enhancing the Skype encounter in view of what you are letting us know." Microsoft's radical Skype redesign a year ago went poorly well. Everybody appeared to detest the new Skype, and Microsoft has spent the vast majority of the previous year tweaking Skype on versatile and work area to stroll back its Snapchat-like changes.

Microsoft even uncovered as of late that its work area application would be eliminated for a more portable like application, however the organization needed to before long change its psyche after a kickback. Various Skype clients still lean toward the first work area application that has served the administration well for quite a long time, and it's unmistakable Microsoft should work this criticism into whatever different changes it's arranging.

Skype has enhanced a considerable measure since Microsoft moved the administration from distributed to server-based. That was a rough period for the administration in general, with broken notices, poor dependability, and only a for the most part baffling knowledge. Microsoft currently needs to center around streamlining Skype in a time where there's far more noteworthy rivalry. WhatsApp, Messenger, FaceTime, WeChat, Line, and Telegram are colossally well known administrations that millions use to send messages and make calls. It will be troublesome for Microsoft to now win back shopper trust when there are presently such a large number of dependable options.