Wednesday 25 October 2017

This is how Microsoft makes holograms

Capturing a hologram is much easier than I expected.

I'm in Microsoft's mixed-reality capture studio in San Francisco when a director yells "Action!" Suddenly, I'm doing bad dance moves in the middle of an 8-foot circle for about 10 seconds. And that's it. With a bit of computational magic, I am now immortalized as a hologram.

There are 106 cameras around me from all angles and four microphones to capture audio. The cameras are divided equally between infrared and RGB units that capture texture, color and shape from 30 to 60 frames per second.

"We take pictures of about 10 GB / second and we carry a lot of computer vision algorithms and a lot of mesh geometric algorithms to turn it into an end product," said Steve Sullivan, executive director of the study of mixed reality capture of Microsoft.

During postproduction, the mesh can be manipulated to change the lighting or colors of the 3D model. The final product is a volumetric three-dimensional model, or hologram, compressed at 10 Mbps more manageable for reading.

When viewing the 2D model (such as the desktop screen), the viewer can change the viewpoint during execution with a mouse or a touch screen.

"We really want it to be everywhere, just like I would experience a picture or a movie," Sullivan said.

In a helmet like Microsoft HoloLens, the hologram is in your space so you can move in performance. Many people can see the hologram at the same time, but they have the right perspective depending on their position.

Currently there are three capture studios: one in San Francisco, one on Microsoft's Redmond campus in Washington and one in London.

Unfortunately, you can not enter any of these capture studios to make a hologram on your own. Microsoft responds to groups such as celebrities, advertisers, and educational service providers, such as hospitals that could use patient holograms to train doctors. Microsoft did not reveal how much a capture session would cost.

Sunday 10 September 2017

Microsoft And Google Race To Build The World's Smartest Cloud

There is no reason to move your business to cloud storage as long as you have not. Cloud-based platforms such as Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure offer a wealth of benefits to more traditional methods of data storage, including increased security, greater flexibility, greater accessibility, and reduced spending. In addition, these cloud-based storage platforms enable organizations to take advantage of the tremendous processing power delivered through their data centers, far superior to their average desktop computer. Google from Alphabet, a leading provider of cloud-based services to businesses around the world, works to provide an additional benefit to users who subscribe to its platform.

At Google's annual developer conference at Mountain View, Calif., The company unveiled the new invention that will herald the next step in the evolution of cloud-based services. The next generation of Google Trend Processing Units, powerful data processors created specifically for training and the development of auto-learning technologies, will soon be available to organizations and individuals around the world through Google Cloud. What is the power of a voltage processing unit, you ask? Each TPU is capable of at least 180 teraflops of processing power, each TPU module containing a total of 64 TPU. Together they can provide up to 11.5 petaflops of processing power. With performance like this, Google's new TPU Cloud is easily twelve times more powerful than the best chips available on the market, designed specifically for the type of machine learning tasks that require this amount of power.

    "A relatively new technology that has become familiar only in recent years, the cloud is already a massive platform for unlimited opportunities and experiments. With the power of artificial intelligence to back up, the cloud can easily become the most powerful IT platform of the time, and it's certainly good news for cloud-based application providers like us. "- Jeff Klem, CEO of HR Software

Google, however, is not the only tech tycoon interested in developing artificial intelligence in the cloud. From now on, Microsoft offers more than twenty different intelligent services, such as image recognition and language comprehension, to all Microsoft Azure subscribers. Now it's getting bigger. Project Brainwave is working on the development of a new series of programmable grid chips in the field to drive real-time artificial intelligence in its many data centers, a platform that has been predicted to be more powerful and versatile than Google's artificial intelligence.

For designers and developers around the world, Artificial Intelligence is already leading the next big revolution: software development, application development and web design. The three most popular voice assistants available, application warehouses across platforms are filled with new and growing applications that use artificial intelligence technology to take a selfie, organize your data or provide useful information. For advanced software developers, artificial intelligence today is a must. By putting your machine learning solutions through the cloud, companies like Google, Microsoft and even Amazon ensure that they are not behind the race to offer the most versatile cloud service platform.

    "A larger race is raging in the technology sector around which it can be used to learn machine as a service." Predefined machine learning models are worth billions of dollars. technology of the planet. "- Terren Peterson, Techno Alegre at Free Code Camp

There was a time when clouds were simply used as a storage mechanism. Cloud services are used today to manage business, manage operations, develop software and even play video games on the go. With demand for more cloud-based applications still on the rise, this is probably the best time to invest in the development of automated learning technologies that help deliver intelligence

Tuesday 18 July 2017

Microsoft to help Baidu’s ‘Android of autonomous cars’ go global

We already knew that Microsoft Azure Cloud was a member of the alliance of Baidu's Apollo self-driving platform, but now Microsoft has revealed more details about what it would provide to the interprofessional partnership. Basically, Microsoft will offer cloud infrastructure services via Azure for customers in markets outside of China looking to adopt Apollo, which Baidu called the "Android industry's stand-alone driving" open.

Apollo, which Baidu knowingly named after the original lunar landing program, as it considers a similar scale of interprofessional cooperation necessary to bring autonomous driving to the market, is intended to offer cloud services, software And reference vehicles, sensors and computer hardware. The alliance includes a number of top industry players, including TomTom, Bosh, Continental, Nvidia and Uber mapping company Grab, in addition to Microsoft.

Microsoft has also been aggressive in nurturing partnerships in the stand-alone, automotive space in the cloud industry - working with BMW, Ford, Renault-Nissan, Toyota and Volvo on a range of different projects, and its work With Baidu and Apollo could add a host of new OEM partners to this list, depending on the adoption.

Apollo is intended to be released to developers and automakers through staged versions, including access to self-driving technology for restricted and restricted areas by the end of the month. Baidu said it hopes to deploy a platform that can fully manage autonomous driving in urban and road environments by the end of 2020, which is a very ambitious target for the nascent project but in line with the Expectations Reported for Autonomous Driving Launches Major Automobile Manufacturers .

Wednesday 7 June 2017

Microsoft’s new Surface Pen is now available to preorder

Orders are open for the new Microsoft Surface pen, which the company announced last month with the new Pro surface. The pen costs $ 99.99, and for now, it seems that only the platinum version is available. You can not click the pre-order button in black, blue or burgundy versions, and Microsoft just said they are coming. The Platinum version a release date of June 15

The new pen speeds up the inking experience to the point that there is no noticeable delay. This is double the speed of the previous version, and can manage the slope, allowing users to dress as they would with a pencil. The new pen is compatible with the largest surface area of devices, although the slope does not work with all devices. The new surface support providers, and Microsoft plans to add functionality to the existing workstations of the Studio area and subsequent pounds surface area this year.